iDirect intelligent platform IDX 3.0 with singtel newly launched satellite   ST-2

A synergistic combination of iDirect and Singtel ST-2
We are providing end-to-end solution for the following services by  "iDirect intelligent platform IDX 3.0 along with the newly launched satellite ST-2 by Singtel" 
·         Broadband Internet,
·         Digital television broadcasting ,
·         Remote and rural telephony , emergency communications ,
·         Distance-learning
·         Tele-medicine . 


Network expansion and its modification to cop up with the to rapidly changing technology is an ultimate challenge for IT personnel.  IP networks are adopted for core business communications, the logic is simple. Greater reliability leads to greater volumes of network traffic and more dynamic applications.
To address the issues of efficiency and flexibility. iDirect IDX3.0 Evolution networks ensures efficient allocation of satellite capacity and adjustable with the customer demands
The industry in general has recently seen several key innovations to increase bandwidth efficiency and offer better value to the customer. Flexibility is another long-standing challenge. How to meet the broad diversity of customer needs. It led us to a static choice of two main transmission technologies: TDMA and SCPC.
SCPC is designed for sites that need a high-volume, fixed, point-to –point link. TDMA is a shared channel engineered for service providers that want to allocate a pool of bandwidth across multiple sites.
In recent years, TDMA has been widely adopted over SCPC. One of the most significant reasons for the growing popularity of TDMA is that SCPC networks are seen to waste bandwidth. They can only be set at one size, and that size is usually matched to peak bandwidth demand. Yet, SCPC networks are the most appropriate solution for customers that require constant, heavy bandwidth requirements. The reality for in country service providers and customers is that they may need both TDMA and SCPC. And this means investing in and operating two technology platforms, which increases capital expenses and leads to operational inefficiencies.
The integration of TDMA and SCPC onto a single technology platform has long been a wish factor however on IDX 3.0 this is now a reality. NAR Technologies are pleased to announce IDX 3.0 is now in operation running over 50 sites using singtel ST-2 will has a wide-ranging footprint of C-band and Ku-band coverage that will cover the Middle East, Central Asia, Indian sub-continent and South East Asia, and it is almost twice as powerful as ST-1, SingTel's first satellite – It will definitely help the company to meet growing customer demand for fixed and mobile satellite services.

IDirect new IDX 3.0 series provide you the following prominent features which makes you more relax and hassle free to maintain and expand your current network

  1. Flexibility to maximize business opportunities.
  2. Dynamic bandwidth management.
  3. Satellite capacity efficiency.
  4. Advanced IP routing capabilities.
  5. Security in all environments.
  6. True mobility.